Liability for Products: English Law, French Law, and European Harmonisation
ISBN: 9780191681639
Platform/Publisher: Oxford Academic / Oxford University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Law;

The EU is active in attempting to harmonize the law of product liability and the sale of goods to consumers, with the aim of promoting fair competition, aiding the internal market, and protecting consumers. But how do the resulting laws relate to existing national laws of liability and compensation? This comparative work considers the French and English laws governing all those who may be liable for products: their producers, their suppliers, their users, and their regulators. It is a revealing case study in the harmonization of laws in Europe, in an area which cuts across the traditional boundaries of private law, public law, and criminal law.

Simon Whittaker is Fellow and Tutor in Law at St. John's College, and Reader in European Comparative Law at the University of Oxford.
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