Jihad and Its Interpretation in Pre-Colonial Morocco : State-Society Relations During the French Conquest of Algeria
ISBN: 9780203220573
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Taylor & Francis Group
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: History; Political Science;

This book investigates the importance of waging jihad for legitimacy in pre-colonial Morocco. It counters colonial interpretations of the pre-colonial Moroccan sultanate as hopelessly divided into territories of 'obedience' and 'dissidence' by suggesting that state-society warfare was one aspect of a constant process of political negotiation. Detailed analysis of state and society interpretations of jihad during the critical period of the French conquest of Algeria clearly shows this process at play and its steady evolution in the context of increasing European pressure, which culminated in the imposition of the French protectorate in 1912.

Amira Bennison is lecturer in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge where she teaches on the Maghrib and the modern Middle East. Her research interests include religious and political thought in the nineteenth century Maghrib, historical interactions between Islam and modernity, and Islamic socio-cultural landscapes.
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