The Management of Consumer Credit
ISBN: 9780230275225
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Palgrave Macmillan UK
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Economics and Finance;

This book explains how financial institutions, such as banks and finance houses, manage their portfolios of credit cards, loans, mortgages and other types of retail credit agreements. The second edition has been substantially updated, with new chapters on capital requirements, Basel II, scorecard and portfolio monitoring.

STEVEN FINLAY is an expert in consumer credit with more than fifteen years experience within the financial services industry, working with some of the world's leading financial services organizations. His research interests cover all aspects of consumer credit, forecasting and data mining. He is currently the Head of Analytics at HML Business Intelligence, UK. He is also a visiting research fellow within the Management Science Department, Lancaster University, UK.

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