Flying Dinosaurs: How Fearsome Reptiles Became Birds
ISBN: 9780231538787
Platform/Publisher: De Gruyter / Columbia University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Geosciences; Geography;

Science journalist Pickrell gathers up the multiple strands of evidence that show how birds are the evolutionary descendants of extinct dinosaurs, laying out the facts in accessible, straightforward prose. With a treasure trove of dinosaur fossils primarily coming from China and Mongolia since the mid-1990s, our understanding and image of dinosaurs have changed dramatically. As Pickrell explains it, dinosaurs were not all the scaly, drab-colored, cold-blooded reptiles that they are so often presented as. Instead, many were festooned with feathers, often in striking patterns and colors. Pickrell aptly demonstrates how scientists determined that feathers were present, what color they likely were, and how they were used behaviorally. We learn that the evidence strongly suggests that many dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals that cared for their young, likely using early feathers as insulation and as mating displays. As dinosaurs first developed the ability to glide and then to fly, their brains became significantly more advanced, thus enabling them to process more complex information. Pickrell also describes both the black market in dinosaur fossils and the production and trade in fossil hoaxes. After digesting all that Pickrell has to offer, it will be difficult for any reader to think about dinosaurs-or birds-in the same ways they had before. (Oct.) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.

John Pickrell is an award-winning science writer and the editor of Australian Geographic magazine. He has worked in London, Washington, D.C., and Sydney for numerous publications, including New Scientist , Science , Science News , and Cosmos . He has been a finalist for the Australian Museum's Eureka Prizes three times, has won an Earth Journalism Award, and has been featured in the 2011 and 2014 editions of The Best Australian Science Writing .
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