Handbook of Mitochondrial Dysfunction
ISBN: 9780429443336
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / CRC Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

Mitochondria produce the chemical energy necessary for eukaryotic cell functions; hence mitochondria are an essential component of health, playing roles in both disease and aging. More than 80 human diseases and syndromes are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction; this book focuses upon diseases linked to these ubiquitous organelles. Accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage results in mitochondrial dysfunction through two main pathways. Mutation in mitochondrial DNA causes diseases such as Kearns-Sayre syndrome and Pearson syndrome. Mutation in chromosomal DNA causes diseases such as Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia. These and many other diseases are reviewed in this book.

Key Features

Presents the detailed structure of mitochondria, mitochondrial function, roles of oxidants and antioxidants in mitochondrial dysfunction. Includes summary of both causes and effects of these diseases. Discusses current and potential future therapies for mitochondrial dysfunction diseases Explores a wide variety of diseases caused by dysfunctional mitochondria.

Shamim I. Ahmad earned his

Master's degree in Botany from

Patna University, Bihar, India, and

his PhD in Molecular Genetics

from Leicester University, England.

He then joined Nottingham

Polytechnic as a grade 1 lecturer and subsequently was

promoted to the post of Senior Lecturer. Ahmad now

spends much of his time producing/writing medical

books. For more than three decades he researched different

areas of molecular biology/genetics including thymineless

death in bacteria, genetic control of nucleotide

catabolism, development of anti-AIDs drug, control of

microbial infection of burns, phages of thermophilic bacteria,

and microbial flora of Chernobyl after the nuclear

power station accident. But his main interest is DNA

damage and repair specifically by near-ultraviolet light

mostly through the photolysis of biological compounds,

production of reactive oxygen species, and their implications

on human health including skin cancer. He also

investigates near-ultraviolet photolysis of non-biological

compounds such as 8-metoxypsoralen, mitomycin C, and

their importance in psoriasis treatment and in Fanconi

anemia. He has collaborated with the University of

Osaka, Japan, and he and his colleagues were able to

show that a number of naturally occurring enzymes were

able to scavenge the reactive oxygen species.

In 2003 he received a prestigious Asian Jewel Award

in Britain for Excellence in Education. His long time ambition

to produce medical books started in 2007 and since

then he has published Molecular mechanisms of Fanconi

Anemia, Molecular Mechanisms of Xeroderma Pigmentosum;

Molecular Mechanisms of Cockayne Syndrome;

Molecular Mechanisms of Ataxia Telangiectasia; Diseases

of DNA repair; Neurodegenerative diseases; Diabetes: an

Old Disease a New Insight, Obesity: a Practical Guide,

Thyroid: Basic Science and Clinical Practice, and Ultraviolet

light in Human Health, diseases and environment; also

as a co-author the book on Diabetes: A comprehensive

Treatise for patients and Caregivers. His most recent books

are Reactive Oxygen Species in Biology and Human Health

and Aging: Exploring a Complex Phenomenon.

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