Acid Derivatives (1979) : Supplement B: Part 1
ISBN: 9780470771587
Platform/Publisher: WOL / John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Chemistry; Organic Chemistry;

The most complete resource in functional group chemistry
Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups is one of chemistry's landmark book series in organic chemistry. An indispensible resource for the organic chemist, this is the most comprehensive reference available in functional group chemistry. Founded in 1964 by the late Professor Saul Patai, the aim of Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups is to cover all the aspects of the chemistry of an important functional group in each volume, with the emphasis not only on the functional group but on the whole molecule.

Professor Saul Patai , The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, founded the Patai Series.

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