China's Forgotten People : Xinjiang, Terror and the Chinese State
ISBN: 9780857738158
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / I. B. Tauris & Company, Limited
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: History; Political Science;

One of the few Western commentators to have lived in the region, journalist Nick Holdstock travels into the heart of the province reveals the Uyghur story as one of repression and hardship. With Islamic terrorism in China likely to increase over the next decade, how the Party responds will have global repercussions. China's Forgotten People explains why terrorism is on the rise in the world's most powerful one-party state, and what this means for the way we think about China.

Nick Holdstock is a journalist and writer. He has written on Xinjiang for the London Review of Books and his writing can also be found in Vice, the LA Review of Books, n+1, the Independent, the Dublin Review, the Edinburgh Review, Dissent and amongst others. He has worked with Isabel Hilton at China Dialogue - part of the Guardian Environment Network. His first novel, The Casualties, is forthcoming from Macmillan US. His first book, The Tree That Bleeds, was about the year he spent living in Xinjiang.
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