Cinderella: An Islamic Tale : An Islamic Tale
ISBN: 9780860376828
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Kube Publishing Ltd
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Fiction; Literature;

"It's easy to feel a sense of peace after completing Fawzia Gilani's Cinderella . This humble version of the classic fairy tale is a gentle reminder that victory comes as much from a peaceful soul as a beautiful dress and a dramatic confrontation." - Luxury Reading

Cinderella is one of the oldest, best-known, and most loved stories worldwide, with hundreds of cultural variants and re-tellings from ancient Egypt and China to the present day. In this version we follow the trials and tribulations of the sweet, gentle, and pious Zahra when her parents die and she is left at the mercy of an uncaring stepmother and stepsisters. This is a well-crafted Islamic version of the classic tale in which faith, goodness, and prayer are rewarded in the end. The charming, richly detailed illustrations of Shireen Adams, set in medieval Andalusia, help bring the text to life.

Fawzia Gilani: Fawzia has worked as a teacher, librarian and school principal in the UK, USA and Canada since 1993. She is the author of thirty children's books, mostly on the topic of Eid. Currently studying children's Islamic Literature at University, she also works as an educational consultant. Although based in the UK, she spends her time living between Ohio and England with her husband and daughter.

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