Emotions, Communities, and Difference in Medieval Europe : Essays in Honor of Barbara H. Rosenwein
ISBN: 9781315579276
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / Routledge
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Humanities; History; Religion; Medieval History 400-1500; Social & Cultural History; Religious History;

This book of eleven essays by an international group of scholars in medieval studies honors the work of Barbara H. Rosenwein, Professor emerita of History at Loyola University Chicago. Part I, "Emotions and Communities," comprises six essays that make use of Rosenwein's well-known and widely influential work on the history of emotions and what Rosenwein has called "emotional communities." These essays employ a wide variety of source material such as chronicles, monastic records, painting, music theory, and religious practice to elucidate emotional commonalities among the medieval people who experienced them. The five essays in Part II, "Communities and Difference," explore different kinds of communities and have difference as their primary theme: difference between the poor and the unfree, between power as wielded by rulers or the clergy, between the western Mediterranean region and the rest of Europe, and between a supposedly great king and lesser ones.

Maureen C. Miller is Professor of History at University of California, Berkeley.

Edward Wheatley is Professor of English at Loyola University Chicago.

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