Ethnicity and Nationalism in Africa
ISBN: 9781349271559
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Palgrave Macmillan UK
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Political Science and International Studies;

Ethnicity and Nationalism in Africa features a series of 'constructivist' contributions by leading scholars in the field of ethnicity and nationalism, and explores the differences among those who have come to be known as 'constructivists'. The contributors reflect upon ongoing methodological debates in ethnography, historiography, and political theory. They demonstrate the diversity of concepts and methods within constructivism, and assess the political implications of the concepts themselves. The debate between them is inter-disciplinary, critical and innovative, and should be of value to anyone interested in the study of ethnicity and nationalism.

RONALD R. ATKINSON Associate Professor, Department of History, University of South Carolina THOMAS HYLLAND ERIKSEN Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo JOHN MARKAKIS has a long teaching career in universities in the United States, Africa, Britain and Greece ALETTA J. NORVAL Lecturer in Political Theory, Department of Government, University of Essex and Director of the Graduate Programme in Ideology and Discourse Analysis TERENCE RANGER Visiting Professor, University of Zimbabwe.
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