Common factors therapy : a principle-based treatment framework
ISBN: 9781433840623
Platform/Publisher: PsycBOOKS / American Psychological Association
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapter; Download: Chapter
Subjects: Psychotherapy.; Psychotherapy; PSYCHOLOGY / Clinical Psychology.; PSYCHOLOGY / Movements / General.; Psychotherapy.;

This book highlights common factors as a psychotherapeutic treatment and offers related techniques that can be used as rubrics to improve clinical practice and training.

The authors discuss five key common factors: the therapeutic relationship, motivation, corrective experiencing, insight, and self‑efficacy, which serve as heuristics for therapists of any background.

Each factor is broken down into a set of core principles, intervention concepts, and example techniques, such as motivational interviewing skills, confronting distress to move towards change, adopting a multicultural orientation, and empowering clients.

Deliberate practice methods are provided so that clinicians can rehearse common factor approaches and integrate them into their own work.

Reviewing past efforts to define actionable common factors--including the contextual model of therapy--as well as transtheoretical studies and techniques, the book provides a uniquely well‑defined common factors model of treatment and paves the way for future innovations.

Russell J. Bailey, PhD, is an associate professor at Utah Valley University's Behavioral Science department with a training program for Clinical Mental Health Counselors. His research interests include therapy itself, what makes it effective, and what can make it more effective. Dr. Bailey completed a PhD in Clinical Psychology at Brigham Young University in 2010 and has previously worked in private practice, veterans affairs, juvenile justice, and university counseling center settings, including as tenured university clinical faculty. He is a deliberate practice certified therapist.

Benjamin M. Ogles, PhD, is a professor in psychology at Brigham Young University, his alma mater. Previously, he was a professor and academic administrator at Ohio University for 21 years. His main interest is psychotherapy process and outcome research with specific focus on assessing outcome, common factors, and psychotherapy training. Articles coauthored by Dr. Ogles have appeared in the Journal of Clinical Psychology , Psychotherapy Research , Professional Psychology: Research and Practice , Clinical Psychology Review , and Psychotherapy among others. He was the lead author of the book Essentials of Outcome Assessment written with Michael J. Lambert and Scott Fields.
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