The Readability of the World
ISBN: 9781501766633
Platform/Publisher: Oxford Academic / Cornell University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Literary Studies (European);

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Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) was one of the most important German philosophers of the twentieth century. Among his books translated into English are Paradigms for a Metaphorology , Rigorism of Truth , St. Matthew Passion , The Legitimacy of the Modern Age , and Care Crosses the River . His criticism and other writings have been collected and translated in History, Metaphors, Fables .

Robert Savage is the author of Hölderlin after the Catastrophe and the translator of several books, including Jan Assmann's The Invention of Religion .

David Roberts is the author of several books, including The Total Work of Art in European Modernism and History of the Present .

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