A Comprehensive Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
ISBN: 9781598579062
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Brookes Publishing
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Subjects: Education; Social Science;

The trusted core disability textbook gets a comprehensive update in this second edition, now thoroughly revised to include all the critical topics today's professionals need to know about as they work with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Brought to you by a new team of world-renowned experts and contributors, this volume fully prepares future educators, social workers, researchers, and clinicians to provide the best services and supports to children and adults across the life span. Tomorrow's professionals will discover what to do and how to do it as they prepare for their important work, and they'll refer to this user-friendly compendium year after year for information, insights, and answers. A cornerstone text for any course focused on intellectual and developmental disabilities--and an essential reference for every in-service professional's library.


Broad and deep, with thorough, up-to-date information on intervention, education, family roles, health issues, specific disabilities, and much more Life span-focused, with topics ranging from genetics and development to issues related to aging Multidisciplinary, blending research and personal experiences of more than 70 esteemed authors from diverse fields Immediately applicable, presenting both the facts and practical, real-world advice on meeting the individual needs of people with disabilities Student friendly, with learning objectives, instructive case stories, stimulating questions for reflection, and key Internet resources

WHATâe(tm)S NEW: New co-editors and contributors * New and extensively updated chapters on critical topics, including AAC and technology, autism spectrum disorder, advocacy and self-advocacy, communication challenges, family issues, human development and genetics, legal and ethical considerations, and psychopharmacology

SELECTED TOPICS COVERED: assessment and diagnosis * behavior and mental health * brain plasticity * cerebral palsy * decision making and consent * Down syndrome * early development and intervention * education * employment * epilepsy * fetal alcohol spectrum disorder * fragile X syndrome * gender issues in developmental disabilities * international human rights * nutritional considerations * parenting * physical health * service systems and approaches * transition from school to adult life

Michael L. Wehmeyer, Ph.D. is Professor of Special Education; Director, Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities; and Senior Scientist, Beach Center on Disability, all at the University of Kansas. He has published more than 25 books and 250 scholarly articles and book chapters on topics related to self-determination, special education, intellectual disability, and eugenics. He is s co-author of the widely used textbook Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today''s Schools, published by Merrill/Prentice Hall, now in its 7th Edition. His most recent book, co-authored with J. David Smith, is Good Blood, Bad Blood: Science, Nature, and the Myth of the Kallikaks, published by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). Dr. Wehmeyer is Past-President (2010-2011) of the Board of Directors for and a Fellow of AAIDD; a past president of the Council for Exceptional Children''s Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT); a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Division (Div. 33); a Fellow of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD); and former Editor-in-Chief of the journal Remedial and Special Education. He is a co-author of the AAIDD Supports Intensity Scale, and the 2010 AAIDD Intellectual Disability Terminology, Classification, and Systems of Supports Manual.

Ivan Brown has worked in, and contributed to, the field of disabilities for the past 25 years. He began his work life as an elementary school teacher for 8 years before taking a position with Community Living Toronto, where he worked as a vocational counselor and community living support worker while completing his graduate studies in counseling psychology (M.Ed.) and special education (Ph.D.). In 1991, he took a position as Senior Research Associate with the Centre for Health Promotion, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto, where he managed a number of large research projects. Several of these addressed quality of life of children with disabilities, adults with developmental disabilities, seniors, and adolescents. He held appointments during the 1990s as Assistant Professor in the Departments of Occupational Therapy and Public Health Sciences, both at the University of Toronto, and taught both in the graduate health promotion program in the Department of Public Health Sciences and in the School of Early Childhood Education at Ryerson University in Toronto, which has a special focus on young children with special needs. Ivan is manager of the Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare, a national body for research and policy development in child welfare, to which he brings an important disability focus. The Centre is housed within the graduate Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto, in which Ivan holds an appointment of Associate Professor. Research in disability has been, and continues to be, a critical part of his ongoing work.

Ivan has a strong history of community involvement in disability, serving on numerous government and community agency committees and boards, participating in research projects, and acting in leadership roles with several professional organizations. In particular, he was a longstanding member of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities and served as its Chair for a 2-year period. In 2001, he was awarded this Association''s highest honor, the Directors'' Award of Excellence. He is a fellow of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability and is a long-standing member of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (formerly the American Association on Mental Retardation [AAMR]).

Ivan has contributed substantially to the Canadian and international literature, particularly in the areas of quality of life and intellectual disabilities. He has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications to his credit-in the form of books, book chapters, and journal articles-as well as numerous other articles, editorials, reviews, booklets, scales, and manuals. He has made 112 presentations at academic conferences in the past 10 years, including several keynote speeches. He serves on the review boards of seven academic journals and was co-editor with Maire Percy of the comprehensive text Developmental Disabilities in Ontario, Second Edition (Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities, 2003). He was the founding editor of the Journal on Developmental Disabilities and still sits as a member of its Chief Editorial Board.

Ivan continues to be personally involved in disability issues, through sharing the lives of many friends with disabilities and through sharing his household with a man who has visual and cognitive impairments. He holds a strong belief that including disability as part of our daily life activities is an enriching experience for us all.

In addition to working at Surrey Place Centre (a Toronto agency providing coordinated service, education, and research in the intellectual disabilities field), Maire Percy is Professor Emeritus of Physiology and Obstetrics &: Gynaecology at the University of Toronto. She holds a bachelor''s degree in physiology and biochemistry, a master''s degree in medical biophysics, and a doctoral degree in biochemistry, all from the University of Toronto; in addition, she is an Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto (A.R.C.T.). She did postdoctoral training as a Medical Research Council Fellow in immunology at the Agricultural Research Council Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, United Kingdom, and in immunology and genetics at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. As National Health Research Scholar (Health Canada), Maire entered the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities after a meeting with Arthur Dalton, then Director of Behavior Research at Surrey Place Centre, who recognized the potential of her multidisciplinary background and creativity for research in intellectual disabilities. In collaboration with Arthur Dalton and Vera Markovic, cytogeneticist at Surrey Place, Maire initiated biochemical and genetic studies of aging and dementia in people with Down syndrome. Research in this field soon took precedence for her, and in 1989 she was invited to join the Department of Biomedical Services and Research at Surrey Place Centre, under the direction of Joseph M. Berg, eminent clinical geneticist and psychiatrist.

Maire''s knowledge and expertise in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities continued to expand as the result of her research; her role as Chair of the research ethics board at Surrey Place Centre; and her extensive professional activities in the intellectual disabilities field, which include cofounding the Research Special Interest Group of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities and the Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada, being Chair of the Publication Committee of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities, and being a member of the Chief Editorial Committee of the Journal on Developmental Disabilities. A dedicated teacher, Maire developed a graduate course entitled Neuroscience of the Developmental Disabilities, providing her with the inspiration and background material to produce Developmental Disabilities in Ontario (co-edited with Ivan Brown).

Author of more than 250 published papers, book chapters, and presentations and reviewer of publications and grants for numerous scientific journals and granting agencies, Maire is internationally known for her work on risk factors in serious human disorders and diseases and as an exemplary mentor of students at all levels. In 2004, in recognition for her lifetime contributions to the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities, she received the Research Excellence Award of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities. The asteroid mairepercy is named in honor of her scientific and research contributions.

Maire currently is involved in collaborative studies of vitamin E in older persons with Down syndrome; in collaborative studies of the roles of iron, aluminum, and B vitamins in dementia; and in the development of screening tools to identify support needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She shares her home with her husband John (Professor of Astronomy) and two cats and is the mother of Carol (Professor of English).

Wai Lun Alan Fung, M.D., Sc.D., Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine; Chair of Research Ethics Board and Medical Director of Research, Department of Psychiatry, North York General Hospital, 4001 Leslie Street, Toronto, ON M2K 1E1, Canada

Wai Lun Alan Fung is a medical specialist in psychiatry who is also board certified in the subspecialties of Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry (United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, United States) and Sleep Medicine (American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology). He serves as Medical Director of Research of the Department of Psychiatry, as well as Chair of the Research Ethics Board, at North York General Hospital--an affiliated teaching hospital of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is also Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto as well as Affiliate Scientist of the Toronto General Research Institute. As a neuropsychiatrist focusing on genetic disorders, he has particular clinical and academic interests in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) and Huntington disease in adults and in adolescents making the transition to adulthood. His interests in intellectual and developmental disabilities were first ignited through a med

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