Experimental Thermodynamics Volume IX: Advances in Transport Properties of Fluids
ISBN: 9781782625254
Platform/Publisher: RSC / RSC
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Chapter; Download: Chapter
Subjects: Thermochemistry & chemical thermodynamics;

Written by the leading experts in the field, this book will provide a valuable, current account of the advances in the measurement and prediction of transport properties that have occurred over the last twenty years. Critical to industry, these properties are fundamental to, for example, the development of fossil fuels, carbon sequestration and alternative energy sources.

This unique and comprehensive account will provide the experimental and theoretical background of near-equilibrium transport properties which provide the background when investigating industrial applications. Coverage includes new experimental techniques and how existing techniques have developed, new fluids eg molten metals, dense fluids, and critical enhancements of transport properties of pure substances.

Practitioners and researchers in chemistry and engineering will benefit from this state of the art record of recent advances in the field of transport properties.

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