Autism and its Medical Management : A Guide for Parents and Professionals
ISBN: 9781846427947
Platform/Publisher: PQ ebrary / Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP)
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a time
Subjects: Autism in children.;

Autism and its Medical Management explains the medical aspects of autism and how both parents and professionals can use current medical knowledge to better understand how to address the medical aspects of autism.

The book begins with an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and how they are diagnosed, and goes on to identify the different types of autism and to describe relevant medical interventions. The author also provides an outline of recent research to enable parents and professionals to gain an understanding of the various factors that may contribute to the development of ASDs, as well as the latest available treatment options.

Bridging the communication gap between medical professionals and parents, this book offers accessible explanations of medical terminology and treatment relevant to ASDs and is an important tool for parents and professionals working with children with ASDs.

Michael G. Chez MD is a board certified pediatric neurologist and epileptologist who is now Director of Pediatric Neurology at Sutter Neuroscience Institute and Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sacramento, California and Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatric Neurology at the University of California Davis Medical Center. Dr. Chez has spent over 16 years practicing pediatric neurology with a special interest in clinical aspects of autism. He has published numerous articles on the subject and participated in many advisory panels on autism.
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