Experiential Learning Exercises for Tourism and Hospitality Executive Training
ISBN: 9781846636431
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Emerald Publishing Limited
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Business/ Management; Economics; Tourism/ Hospitality;

The seven executive training exercises in tourism in this e-book form an important step towards developing a library of executive training exercises with solutions in tourism management. While in real-life problems and opportunities do not come with an explicit list of options to select from, the view adopted in developing these training exercises is that creating tourism management stories describing dilemmas with explicit options is a useful learning method located between lecturing and learning from case study without explicit options. The novice benefits from considering a list of explicit options- learning to think beyond making a go versus no-go decision in regard to one option-and learns that creating a list of four plus options increases the likelihood of crafting an exceptional solution.

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