Graphs and Matrices
ISBN: 9781848829817
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer London
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Mathematics and Statistics;

Graphs and Matrices provides a welcome addition to the rapidly expanding selection of literature in this field. As the title suggests, the book's primary focus is graph theory, with an emphasis on topics relating to linear algebra and matrix theory. Information is presented at a relatively elementary level with the view of leading the student into further research. In the first part of the book matrix preliminaries are discussed and the basic properties of graph-associated matrices highlighted. Further topics include those of graph theory such as regular graphs and algebraic connectivity, Laplacian eigenvalues of threshold graphs, positive definite completion problem and graph-based matrix games. Whilst this book will be invaluable to researchers in graph theory, it may also be of benefit to a wider, cross-disciplinary readership.

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