Wave Dynamics, Mechanics and Physics of Microstructured Metamaterials
ISBN: 9783030174705
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer International Publishing
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Chemistry and Material Science;

This book addresses theoretical and experimental methods for exploring microstructured metamaterials, with a special focus on wave dynamics, mechanics, and related physical properties. The authors use various mathematical and physical approaches to examine the mechanical properties inherent to particular types of metamaterials. These include: * Boundary value problems in reduced strain gradient elasticity for composite fiber-reinforced metamaterials * Self-organization of molecules in ferroelectric thin films * Combined models for surface layers of nanostructures * Computer simulation at the micro- and nanoscale * Surface effects with anisotropic properties and imperfect temperature contacts * Inhomogeneous anisotropic metamaterials with uncoupled and coupled surfaces or interfaces * Special interface finite elements and other numerical and analytical methods for composite structures

Prof. Mezhlum Sumbatyan is a principal researcher and a Head of Ultrasonic Laboratory in the Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, Southern Federal University, Russia. He is the Member of the Editorial Board in 2 International journals, Member of the Russian Acoustical Society, Member of Technical Committee, European Acoustical Association (EAA), Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia, Member of Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He has more than 120 papers published in SCOPUS journals. 12 PhD students passed with their thesis under his leaderships.
Research topics: Ultrasonic NDT, Integral Equations, Inverse problems in mechanics and acoustics, Asymptotic methods in short-wave diffraction, Propagation of ultrasonic waves, Computational Hydrodynamics, Aeroacoustics, Turbulence, Boundary Elements Method.
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