Corporate Management Ecosystem in Emerging Economies
ISBN: 9783031415784
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer International Publishing
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Business and Management;

Emerging economies, as actively changing societies, invoke questions about the future direction for national and global development as well as equitable economic growth. In this book, the Editors argue that understanding the corporate management ecosystem of emerging economies is key to business success in the globalized economy.

Discussing the key attributes of emerging economies (for example, population dynamics, labour and production patterns, employment, and foreign direct investment) and the connection with governance, marketing, innovation management, and supply chain research and practice, the book highlights the distinctiveness of corporate management dynamics in comparison with existing knowledge that is dominated by developed country frameworks.

The book offers twenty-one case studies that cover examples of corporate management research and practice in both local and international companies, making this a valuable resource for students, academics and industry stakeholders.

Fred A. Yamoah is a Reader in Sustainability at Birkbeck College, the University of London, UK with over 15 years of academic research experience and expertise in Sustainability, Marketing and Agribusiness, Sustainable Supply Chains, Circularity, Business Ethics, Sustainable Consumption and Food Security. Dr Yamoah is an experienced academic who serves in various management and leadership capacities in higher education. He is research active and a principal investigator for various research projects, a journal editor and a visiting professor.

Adnan Ul Haque is a Professor of Business at Yorkville University, Canada. Dr. Adnan Ul Haque is a lecturer, HR expert, trainer and high impact journal reviewer, who delivers lectures in the subject area of Business Administration and Management disciplines. He is well published research academic and an editor of Handbook of Research on Complexities and Strategies of Occupational Stress. He is also a corporate trainer as well as external Ph.D. examiner and keynote speaker at international conferences.

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