The Science of Human Evolution
ISBN: 9783319415857
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer International Publishing
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Biomedical and Life Sciences;

This textbook provides a collection of case studies in paleoanthropology demonstrating the method and limitations of science. These cases introduce the reader to various problems and illustrate how they have been addressed historically. The various topics selected represent important corrections in the field, some critical breakthroughs, models of good reasoning and experimental design, and important ideas emerging from normal science.

John H. Langdon, Ph.D. Professor of Biology and Anthropology University of Indianapolis Current research interests include hominin and hominoid paleontology and evolution, history and development of paleoanthropology, origins of human bipedalism, evolution of human behavior, historical demography, human biology, and history and process of the natural sciences.
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