Ecosystem Functions and Management
ISBN: 9783319539676
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer International Publishing
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Earth and Environmental Science;

This is the first book to provide vital information on key local ecosystems, their functions, state of health, and their role in development in an Asian context, particularly on the Indian subcontinent. It addresses six major ecosystems on the Indian subcontinent - mountain, rural, desert, forest, urban, and freshwater - and discusses their functions, how they support livelihoods and the economy, the impacts on ecosystem services, and management issues. Asia is home to nearly one third of the global population. With massive industrialization occurring at an increasing pace to support the lifestyles of a growing population, impacts on natural ecosystems are inevitable in this region.

The book also explores the concepts, theory and practice regarding these key ecosystems by linking them with the livelihoods of a large population base and subsequently illustrating their importance for sustainable development in the region. Further, by suggesting policies and ways in whichthese systems can be maintained and enhanced, it facilitates better management of natural resources within the ecological constraints to achieve socio-economic objectives and move towards a green economy for sustainable and equitable development in the region.

Harpinder Sandhu is a transdisciplinary scientist whose research interests include studying the interactions between society and the natural environment to achieve sustainability. His research involves the integration of environmental economics and ecology to achieve a better understanding of the complex socio-ecological and economic dimensions of ecosystem services and their implications for equitable and sustainable development. His current research focus is on integrating an ecosystem services approach with the capability approach to address development agendas. Harpinder is further interested in establishing a bridge between the natural and social sciences by incorporating ecosystem services issues to address the gap between science and policy for sustainable urban and rural landscapes.

Harpinder received his PhD in Agroecology from Lincoln University, New Zealand and is currently affiliated with the School of the Environment, Flinders University, Australia. Harpinder is contributing as a Lead Author to an ongoing United Nations Project--Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) for two deliverables 3a (Pollination Assessment) and 2b (Asia Pacific Regional Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). He also heads the Global Sectoral Group on Agricultural Production Systems and Thematic Group on Poverty Alleviation at the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ES-Partnership), which is coordinated by the Environmental Systems Analysis Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Harpinder was nominated to the advisory panel of the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Agroecology for Asia and the Pacific at the Food and Agriculture Organisations of the United Nations. He is also a contributing expert to the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network (BES-Net) Asia Pacific, part of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

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