Advances in Scientific Visualization ISBN: 9783642773341 Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer Berlin Heidelberg Digital rights:Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited Subjects: Computer Science;
Scientific visualization is a new and rapidly growing areain which efforts from computer graphics research and manyscientific and engineering disciplines are integrated. Itsaim is to enhance interpretation and understanding byscientists of large amounts of data from measurements orcomplex computer simulations, using computer generatedimages and animation sequences. It exploits the power ofhuman visual perception to identify trends and structures,and recognize shapes and patterns. Development of newnumerical simulation methods in many areas increasinglydepends on visualization as an effective way to obtain anintuitive understanding of a problem.This book contains a selection of papers presented at thesecond Eurographics workshop on Visualization in ScientificComputing, held in Delft, the Netherlands, in April 1991.Theissues addressed are visualization tool and systemdesign, new presentation techniques for volume data andvector fields, and numerous case studies in scientificvisualization. Application areas include geology, medicine,fluid dynamics, molecular science, and environmentalprotection.The book will interest researchers and students in computergraphics and scientists from many disciplines interested inrecent results in visual data analysis and presentation. Itreflects the state of the art in visualization researchand shows a wide variety of experimental systems andimaginative applications.