The Priesthood in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
ISBN: 9789004531581
Platform/Publisher: BRILL / BRILL
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

This book analyzes Targum Pseudo-Jonathan's unique aspects among Palestinian targums: namely, its expansions that find no targumic parallels. It constitutes a source analysis, which focuses upon PJ's predominant source: PJu. This source, when viewed apart from the rest of the targum, exhibits overwhelming interest in and attention to the Priesthood, in all of its aspects.

The book examines PJu's treatment of The Cosmic Importance of the Inherited Role, Required Behavior, Ritual Matters and Economics of the Sacrificial System. It addresses PJu's Need to Keep the People United behind the Priesthood, its catalogueing of Esoteria, and listing of Jobs outside the Temple: Calendar Keeper, Geographer, Legal Expert and Judge. The detailed information and analysis in the appendices will support extensive further research.

The print edition is available as a set of two volumes (9789004145825).

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