Anatolia in the Earlier First Millennium B.C
ISBN: 9789004666993
Platform/Publisher: BRILL / BRILL
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Islam; Islamic law.; RELIGION / Fundamentalism.; RELIGION / Islam / History.;

In his previous fascicle (XV, 12) the author showed that the native Anatolian nature goddess and her son, the hunting god, remained much more popular throughout the second millennium B.C. than one might deduce from the written sources.

The present fascicle permits comparison of the iconographies of Neo-Hittites, Uratians, Phryigans, Lydians and Lycians. Inherited beliefs manifested themselves in widely differing ways. Thus the old nature goddess Kubaba or Cybele appears in the Neo-Hittite pantheon alongside many other deities; her cult among the Phyrgians, while emphasizing motherhood, seems to have been almost monotheistic.

With much information on new finds from Sardis, Gordion and easten Turkey this volume is a comprehensive survey of the religious iconography of Anatolia on the eve of its absorption into the Hellenic world.

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