Border Communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire: Processes of Change in the Civitas Cananefatium
ISBN: 9789048543861
Platform/Publisher: Cambridge Core / Amsterdam University Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

This study is the first synthesis of the community of the Cananefates, who lived in the most northwestern frontier zone of the Roman Empire at the continent. It provides an up-to-date insight in the interaction between the civilian population and the military community in this area, based on historical, epigraphical and archaeological sources.

Bruin Jasper :

Dr. Jasper de Bruin (1976) graduated in Archaeology of the Roman period at the University of Amsterdam and started working as a lecturer at Leiden University in 2006, where he completed his Ph.D. thesis in 2017. Currently, he is employed as assistant professor at Leiden University, where he teaches about and researches the Roman period in Northwestern Europe.

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