Absorption Heating Technologies
ISBN: 9789811504709
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer Singapore
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Energy;

This book offers a comprehensive introduction to novel absorption heating technologies for improving the energy efficiency of heating systems. The proposed low-temperature heating systems, based on an air source absorption heat pump (ASAHP), significantly increase heating efficiency and reduce pollution emissions. As the performance of ASAHPs deteriorates at lower ambient/driving temperatures, a series of advanced cycles is used to extend their applicability, with the compression-assisted ASAHP being the most outstanding example. The book discusses the generator-absorber-heat-exchange ASAHP as a promising solution to make the best of high driving temperatures, an aspect that can be improved further via compression. Further, it addresses the ground source absorption heat pump (GSAHP), which eliminates the soil thermal imbalance of the conventional ground source electrical heat pump (GSEHP), and also reduces the number of boreholes . Various hybrid GSAHP systems are proposed to further enhance applicability, efficiency, and economy: these include a combined GSAHP and GSEHP system, as well as ASAHP and GSAHP systems that incorporate design optimizations. In closing, the book explores the merits of novel working fluids and highlights recent advances concerning waste heat and renewable energy utilization.

Wei Wu is currently a researcher in mechanical engineering and has a deep expertise in novel absorption heating technologies, hybrid heat pump technologies, ground source heat pump technologies, natural and low-GWP refrigerant, and net-zero energy buildings. Due to the innovative studies, he has published about 60 papers and 7 patents. He was awarded the Top 10 Special Postgraduate Scholarship and the Top 10 Outstanding Postgraduate Researcher of Tsinghua University during the Ph.D. period. He is the reviewer of many prestigious journals.

Xianting Li is currently the director of the Department of Building Science at Tsinghua University. His conducts innovative studies on heat pump, air-conditioning, thermal storage, and ventilation. He published 6 books, more than 300 papers, and more than 30 patents. He also hosted more than 50 sponsored research projects. He is the president of Commission E1 of International Institute of Refrigeration, Vice-President ofChinese Association of Refrigeration, president of Commission Ventilation of Chinese Committee of HVAC. He serves as editorial board member of several journals.

Tian You is currently a researcher in mechanical engineering and has a deep expertise in novel ground source heat pump systems, ground heat exchanger models, and HVAC energy efficiency. Due to the innovative studies, she published more than 30 papers and 3 patents. She won a Prize in the REHVA World Student Competition. She is the reviewer of several prestigious journals.

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