Political Demography and Urban Governance in French Guyana
ISBN: 9789811538322
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer Singapore
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Social Sciences;

This book analyzes decades of immigration-population growth and rapid urbanization as political-demography and urban-governance issues in French Guyana. Factors such as immigration, population composition and re-composition have sparked patterns of urban relocation across the entire Cayenne agglomeration, affecting urban and housing policy planning, political district redesigns and jeopardizing influential ethno-social and economic groups. Politics and policy conflicts over shifting demography have transcended Guyana to involve France and various neighboring Latin American and Caribbean countries. As well as discussing the demographic and human settlement aspects, the book blends the specific French Guyanese patterns of urbanization-migration into the wider theoretical literature. As such, it will appeal to students, academics, policymakers, journalists, activists and globalists looking for fresh insights into ethno-socio-cultural diversities and inclusive democratic governance at a time when increasing numbers of migrants are settling in urban areas.

Romanovski Zéphirin Ph.D. teaches Human Geography and World Issues at the City University of New York (CUNY), USA. He is also a peer reviewer for the academic journals "Development in Practice" in Oxford, the UK; and for "La Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales - REMI" in Poitiers, France. His research focuses on population-migration, urbanization, inter-American migration and foreign policy.

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