Advances in Organic Crystal Chemistry
ISBN: 9789811550850
Platform/Publisher: SpringerLink / Springer Singapore
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: unlimited; Download: unlimited
Subjects: Chemistry and Material Science;

This book summarizes and records the recent notable advances in diverse topics in organic crystal chemistry, which has made substantial progress along with the rapid development of a variety of analysis and measurement techniques for solid organic materials. This review book is one of the volumes that are published periodically on this theme. The previous volume, published in 2015, systematically summarized the remarkable progress in assorted topics of organic crystal chemistry using organic solids and organic-inorganic hybrid materials during the previous 5 years, and it has been widely read. The present volume also shows the progress of organic solid chemistry in the last 5 years, with contributions mainly by invited members of the Division of Organic Crystal Chemistry of the Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), together with prominent invited authors from countries other than Japan.


Masami Sakamoto, Professor of Graduate School of Engineering at Chiba University, was born in 1957 in Ibaraki. He received B. of Science (1979), M. of Science (1982), and D. of Science (1987) degrees from The University of Tsukuba. In 1985, he joined Faculty of Engineering at Chiba University as a Research Associate (1985-1994), appointed to Associate Professor in 1994, and promoted to Professor of Graduate School of Engineering at Chiba University in 2003. His major field is organic synthesis and solid-state chemistry. His current interests include 1) Dynamic preferential crystallization and 2) Asymmetric synthesis using crystal chirality. He received the Molecular Chirality Award from the Molecular Chirality Research Organization in 2014.

Hidehiro UEKUSA

Hidehiro Uekusa, Associate Professor of Department of Chemistry at Tokyo Institute of Technology, was born in 1964 in Tokyo. He received B. of Science (1987), M. of Science (1989), andD. of Science (1992) degrees from Keio University. In 1992, he joined the Department of Chemistry at Tokyo Institute of Technology as a Research Associate (1992-1999), and appointed to Associate Professor in 1999. His major field is chemical crystallography. His current interests include 1) Crystal structure and properties design of pharmaceutical crystals, 2) Analysis of crystalline state reactions, and 3) Crystal structure analysis from powder diffraction data. He received the Research Award from the Crystallographic Society of Japan in 2012.

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