Bloody Brilliant: How to Develop, Execute, and Clean Up Blood Effects for Live Performance
ISBN: 9780367854669
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / Routledge
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Arts; Theatre & Performance Studies; Costume Hair and Makeup; Theatrical Production; Practice & Practitioners;

Bloody Brilliant: How to Develop, Execute, and Clean Up Blood Effects for Live Performance offers methods and techniques for delivering this special effect on the stage.

The world of live theatre presents its own set of unique challenges when creating special effects, particularly blood. There are no cropped-view frames, multiple angles, or reshoots - everything is live and in view of the audience. This book provides helpful insight, information, techniques, and tricks for producing reliable and repeatable blood effects, covering everything from design and budgeting to safety and clean-up. Filled with easy-to-follow descriptions and full-color artwork, this text includes:

Practical examples of blood effect budgets, outlining not just money but also labor needs. A breakdown of the components for making an original blood recipe, as well as reliable, industry-tested recipes. Options for dispensing blood to create realistic effects for any budget size. A comprehensive wash-testing database of over 500 examples of fabrics and blood combinations.

Prop managers and builders in professional, educational, and regional theatre are sure to benefit from the tips outlined in this book.

Jennifer McClure is the Properties Supervisor for the Yale Repertory Theatre and a lecturer for the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale.

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