14 MeV Neutrons: Physics and Applications
ISBN: 9780429194672
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / CRC Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

Despite the often difficult and time-consuming effort of performing experiments with fast (14 MeV) neutrons, these neutrons can offer special insight into nucleus and other materials because of the absence of charge. 14 MeV Neutrons: Physics and Applications explores fast neutrons in basic science and applications to problems in medicine, the envir

Vladivoj Valkovic is a retired professor of physics, a fellow of the American Physical Society and Institute of Physics, and the founder and director of the Croatian-based company Analysis & Control Technologies Ltd. (A.C.T.d.o.o.), which implements environmental security projects. Dr. Valkovic has authored 13 books and more than 380 scientific and technical papers in many journals. His research interests include nuclear physics and the application of instrumentation and techniques to problems in biology, medicine, environmental research, and trace element analysis. He recently developed the idea of autonomous ship container inspection.

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