An Introduction to GameGuru
ISBN: 9780429464966
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / CRC Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

GameGuru is an entry-level engine designed to be easy to use as well as being extremely accessible for the user. This book gives users the information needed to access the full depth of features available in the program. Details on how to perform more complex tasks are not found easily anywhere else or in any of the GameGuru documentation. This book will cover all of the common topics including building levels, coding, AI and more.

Key Features

The only book the fully covers the GameGuru engine. Includes robust documentation to perform complex tasks that are not outlined anywhere else. Includes level building, coding, AI and more. Included are scripts and demo maps for readers to learn from. GameGuru is the ultimate start-to-finish guide

Michael Messina is currently Chief Linux Systems Engineer for Rite Aid Corp. He has had an interest in game development since coding basic games on an 8086. Michael has written bots, levels and mods for Quake, Mechwarrior 4 and others. Michael is the creator of the Game-Guru Advanced Time of Day and Weather system, Light Kit, Camera Kit and other script-based items. Messina is also behind some of the more premier skyboxes for GameGuru.

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