Advances in Chemical Physics : Memory Function Approahes to Stochastic Problems in Condensed Matter
ISBN: 9780470142868
Platform/Publisher: WOL / John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Chemistry; Physical Chemistry;

An international group of scholars presents a very important development in the theory of relaxation processes. For the first time, the basic equations of motion have been put into a form suitable for computation of a variety of observable phenomena in several different disciplines. This book begins with a description of the foundations of the memory function techniques, of the adiabatic elimination procedure and of the mathematics of continued fractions. It also covers depth relaxation phenomena in several areas of physics, chemistry, biology, electronic engineering, spectroscopy, computer simulation and astronomy.

Myron Wyn Evans was a Welsh chemist and physicist who helped develop the Einstein-Cartan-Evans theory or ECE theory, which claimed to unify general relativity, quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.

Paolo Grigolini is the editor of Memory Function Approaches to Stochastic Problems in Condensed Matter , Volume 62, published by Wiley.

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