A Vision Greater than Themselves: The Making of the Bank of Montreal, 1817-2017
ISBN: 9780773599949
Platform/Publisher: JSTOR / McGill-Queen''s University Press
Digital rights: Users: unlimited; Printing: chapter; Download: chapter
Subjects: Bank of Montreal -- History -- Pictorial works; Banks and banking -- Canada -- History -- Pictorial works;

A richly illustrated history of the making of Canada's first bank revealed through carefully chosen images, themes, and objects.

Mussio Laurence B. :

Laurence B. Mussio is a senior business historian, consultant, and strategic advisor to senior executives in finance, technology and government. He is the co-founder of the Long Run Initiative. He lives in Toronto.Laurence B. Mussio teaches at the Schulich School of Business at York University and Syracuse University in New York. He lives in Toronto.

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