Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties - Bringing Theory into Practice
ISBN: 9780891189251
Platform/Publisher: WOL / ACSESS
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Agriculture Aquaculture & Food Science; Agriculture;

Soil physical properties have an impact on the whole civilization. Food production and environmental quality, especially surface and ground water quality, are influenced by our ability to measure and manage soil physical properties to maximize the efficiency of plant production and to minimize soil loss and contamination of air and water. Recent advances in technology and in basic science have provided new understanding of soil physical properties and an improved ability to characterize the complex nature of the soil. In this volume a distinguished and capable group of scientists have compiled an excellent treatment of the current state of knowledge and provide insight into the application of theory to problems influenced by soil physical properties. The understanding and prediction of movement and retention of water, air, chemicals, nutrients, energy, and soil solids themselves is dependent on our ability to measure soil physical properties. This book describes the recent advances toward improving this capability and will be a valuable resource for scientists and practitioners interested in the environment, soil science, and plant production.

G. Clarke Topp is a research scientist at the Land Resource Research Institute.

W. Daniel Reynolds is a research scientist for Agriculture Candada at the Center for Land and Biological Resources Research.

Richard E. Green is a research scientist at the University of Hawaii.

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