#MeToo for Women and Men: Understanding Power through Sexual Harassment
ISBN: 9781003168591
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / Routledge
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

#MeToo for Women and Men provides an overview of sexual violence and an accessible guide to the #MeToo movement, presenting a timely look at the evidence from diverse fields. Its evidence-based approach builds upon public health and health psychology principles to increase the reader's understanding of sexual bullying and aims to help inform the building of safer communities.

The book identifies patterns of sexual harassment and considers how sexual bullying can be used to express power. Intended to widen readers' knowledge of the causes and impacts surrounding sexual harassment and abuse, the book encourages open discussion of these topics to enable society to move closer to combating it. Using first-person accounts alongside evidence of both individual behaviours and the ways the topic is dealt with in laws, institutions, cultures and organisations, the book ensures that voices of survivors and their experiences are emphasised throughout.

A wide audience of public, professional, academics and clinicians will benefit from the book's extensive look into the impact sexual harassment has on survivors and its insight into how connections across a range of fields help us to understand, but more importantly, prevent perpetration and victimisation. This guide is also for non-academics wanting to understand what #MeToo means, what it tells us about prevention and how to address the increasing problem of sexual harassment, violence and abuse.

Jane Meyrick is both a chartered health psychologist and a public health specialist. She has been working in and researching sexual health for over 25 years. Her career spans frontline sexual health services, national policy and research. She has been teaching health psychology since 2006 at the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.

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