Advanced Controls for Intelligent Buildings: A Holistic Approach for Successful Businesses
ISBN: 9781003176589
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / CRC Press
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

This book focuses primarily on both technical and business aspects needed to select, design, develop and deploy control application (or product) successfully for multiple components in building systems. Designing and deploying a control application require multiple steps such as sensing, system dynamics modelling, algorithms, and testing. This may involve choosing an appropriate methodology and technique at multiple stages during the development process. Understanding the pros and cons of such techniques, most importantly being aware of practically possible approaches in the entire ecosystem, is critical in choosing the best framework and system application for different parts of building systems. Providing a wide overview of the state-of art in controls and building systems, providing guidance on developing an end-to-end system in relation to business fundamentals (distribution channels, stakeholders, marketing, supply-chain and financial management), the book is ideal for fourth-year control/mechanical/electrical engineering undergraduates, graduate students, and practitioners including business leaders concerned with smart building technology.

Dr. Siddharth Goyal is currently working as the Director of Data Science Team at Divisions Maintenance Group (DMG). His professional experience ranges from research to product development, product management, strategy, technical leadership, and cross-functional team management. Previous experience includes key positions at LG Electronics, Johnson Controls, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, University of Florida, National University of Singapore, Indian Institute of Science, Reliance Energy, and GE Motors. He has worked in multiple domains such as energy systems, intelligent buildings, software applications, artificial intelligence, aircraft and satellites, power plants, and robotics. In the past decade, his focus is tackling business challenges through technology in the smart buildings industry.

Dr. Goyal holds a Ph.D. and an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida, and a B.E. in Electrical Engineering from Punjab Engineering College. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers in international conferences and journals. He has also submitted more than half a dozen patents on multiple new technologies and applications in the industry.

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