A Continental Plate Boundary: Tectonics at South Island, New Zealand
ISBN: 9781118666142
Platform/Publisher: WOL / American Geophysical Union
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited
Subjects: Earth Space & Environmental Sciences; Earth Sciences;

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 175.

A Continental Plate Boundary offers in one place the most comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge for researchers and students to learn about the tectonics and plate dynamics of the Pacific-Australian continental plate boundary in South Island and about the application of modern geological and geophysical methods. It examines what happens when convergence and translation occur at a plate boundary by Describing the geological and geophysical signature of a continental transform fault; Identifying the diverse vertical and lateral patterns of deformation at the plate boundary; Assessing an apparent seismicity gap on the plate boundary fault and fast-moving plate motions; Comparing this plate boundary to other global convergent continental strike-slip plate boundaries; Documenting the utility of the double-sided, onshore-offshore seismic method for exploration of a narrow continental island; and Providing additional papers presenting previously unpublished results.

This volume will prove invaluable for seismologists, tectonophysicists, geodesists and potential-field geophysicists, geologists, geodynamicists, and students of the deformation of tectonic plates.

David Okaya Associate Professor at USC Earth Sciencies.

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