A Practical Guide to Career Learning and Development: Innovation in careers education 11-19
ISBN: 9781315850924
Platform/Publisher: Taylor & Francis / Routledge
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Unlimited; Download: Unlimited

A Practical Guide to Career Learning and Development is an essential guide for all those involved in careers education, either with sole responsibility or as part of a team.  With a focus on career happiness, resilience and growth, this exciting book offers effective pedagogical strategies, techniques and activities to make career learning and development accessible and enjoyable, contributing to positive outcomes for all young people in the 11-19 phase of their education.  

With a wealth of support material such as teaching ideas, lesson plans, case studies and an illustrative student commentary, key topics covered include:

Career Learning and Development needs of young people Career Learning and Development in the curriculum Practical activities for 11-14, 14-16 and 16-19 year olds Creating a positive environment for learning Teaching approaches Leadership and management Facilitating professional learning.


A Practical Guide to Career Learning and Development is an invaluable resource for careers advisers and staff in schools with responsibility for leading and providing careers education as well as work-related learning, PSHE, citizenship, and pastoral programmes.  It enables and supports all practitioners as they develop careers provision that better prepares young people for their future well-being and an ever-changing and unpredictable world of work.

Barbara Bassot is Senior Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK, and Course Leader for the University Certificate in Understanding Careers Education and Guidance.

Anthony Barnes is an independent careers education consultant. He is also Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Career and Personal Development, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

Anne Chant is Programme Director for the MA in Career Guidance at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.

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