1992-Planning for Financial Services and the Insurance Sector
ISBN: 9781483102788
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Law;

1992 - Planning for Financial Services and the lnsurance Sector aims to discuss important European laws and their implications for the policies of institution that render financial and insurance services. The book covers topics such as the Single European Act and its effects; company laws, mergers and acquisition, and corporate taxes; and the liberalization of capital movement, capital flows, and the European money system. Also covered are topics such as banking and insurance services in the community; the internal market, its policies, and security; and the implications of a single European market for financial services. The text is recommended for economists as well as financial and political analysts who would like to know more about the European market and the policies that govern it.

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