A Life Full of Meaning : Some Suggestions and Some Material for the Future Training of Youth Leaders
ISBN: 9781483138015
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Social Science;

A Life Full of Meaning: Some Suggestions and Some Material for the Future Training of Youth Leaders is an attempt at comprehensive thinking about the training of youth leaders. There are two key words, "training" and "leaders", and both are capable of several meanings. For many, "training" implies the learning of routines of universal application, short cuts, techniques, and drill. But techniques, though often important, are never enough in human situations; here, personal quality counts supremely and. The author emphasizes the continued personal growth of the leader and encourages thoughtful attitudes and sensitive understanding. Equally, "leadership" is not something unitary and constant. The book interprets in contemporary terms what is meant by training and leadership for youth workers, what is involved in terms of experience, skill, study, and reflection. This book will prove to be a valuable stimulus and guide to all who have at heart the interests of the Youth Service.

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