A Social Geography of England and Wales : Pergamon Oxford Geographies
ISBN: 9781483150369
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Environmental Studies;

A Social Geography of England and Wales considers the theoretical concepts of the social geography of England and Wales. This book is composed of 11 chapters that discuss the theories of industrialization and urbanization. The opening chapters deal with the origins and settlement of English people, as well as the workings of feudal society with its hierarchy of groups of different legal status, ranging from the king through the base of the system. The succeeding chapters examine the vital formative phase in British social history. Other chapters explore the strengths and weaknesses of several ecological and economic models of urban structure that are transported from North America to Great Britain. A chapter looks into the variations in housing type and quality form intriguing reflections of fundamental differences in British Society based on a theory of housing classes. This text also surveys residents of the inner areas of many British cities now experience substantial social problems, which are compounded in areas of multiple deprivation. The final chapters cover the dispersion of urbanism into the countryside where it has provoked fundamental social and spatial changes related to commuting, retirement migration and tourism. This book is of value to historians, sociologists, researchers, and undergraduate students.

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