Advances in Hydroscience : Volume 11
ISBN: 9781483215211
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Science; Science: Geology;

Advances in Hydroscience, Volume 11 -1978 covers topics on the progressive development in water science, including stochastic hydrology, the numerical analysis for hydrodynamic modeling, solid-state hydrology, and subsurface waters. The book presents topics on the theory and examples to model lumped quasi-stochastic and stochastic watershed systems; the progress made in the area of multidimensional numerical modeling of hydrodynamic and water-quality processes in estuary and coastal sea systems; and the physical principles governing the flow of water through snow. The text also includes articles on the state of the art of the finite-element modeling techniques in surface and subsurface hydraulic problems; the developments in the area of rainfall-runoff relations and physically-based stochastic hydrologic analysis; as well as well hydraulics in heterogeneous aquifer formations. Hydrologists, ocean engineers, hydraulic engineers, and subsurface engineers will find the book invaluable.

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