Advances in Biological and Medical Physics : Volume 2
ISBN: 9781483224282
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Elsevier Science & Technology
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Science; Science: Biology/ Natural History;

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Volume II highlights the application of nuclear physics to biological and medical problems. This volume is composed of nine chapters, and start with survey on the biological effects of radiation exposure. The succeeding chapters deal with the mechanisms of molecular exchange and blood transfusion; the use of carbon isotopes in in vivo and in vitro animal studies; and the principles and applications of radioautographic technique. These topics are followed by discussions on the carcinogenic potential of ionizing radiation and the detection or measurement of radioisotopes in intact tissues of animals. The remaining chapters focus on some applications of nuclear physical and biophysical approaches in medicine. This book is of value to biologists, radiation scientists, and medical practitioners.

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