Benchmarking of Supply Chain Performances : An International Journal : Benchmarking of Supply Chain Performances
ISBN: 9781848559714
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Emerald Publishing Limited
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Business/ Management; Economics;

As the threat of the world-wide recession looms large in the coming years, today's supply chain managers are faced with the challenge of continuously enhancing their companies' competitiveness in the market. Such a challenge includes the relentless pursuit of supply chain excellence by improving the utilization of company resources, while streamlining the supply chain. The pursuit of supply chain excellence often begins with the assessment of the company's supply chain performances relative to its main competitors. In other words, supply chain benchmarking represents one of the most important prerequisites to supply chain excellence. With this in mind, this e-book brings together the recent advances in benchmarking tools and their applications to various aspects of supply chain activities. This e-book contains a total of seven selective, but diverse papers based on case studies, empirical work, or analytical framework that can add value to the supply chain knowledge base.

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