A Handbook of Environmental Management
ISBN: 9781849807005
Platform/Publisher: Ebook Central / Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Digital rights: Users: Unlimited; Printing: Limited; Download: 7 Days at a Time
Subjects: Environmental Studies;

A Handbook of Environmental Management presents a range of case studies that demonstrate the complementary application of different social science techniques in combination with ecology-based management thinking to the natural environment.

Contemporary environmental management is characterised by an increasing awareness of the need for interdisciplinary approaches. This requires managers to effectively combine insights from both the natural and social sciences in order to ensure sustainable outcomes. This eloquent and unique Handbook provides a broad overview, complimented by specific case studies and techniques that are used in environmental management from the local level to international environmental regimes.

With contributions from leading authorities in the field, this innovative volume provides a valuable teaching aid for students, as well as an insightful and practical reference tool for environmental practitioners with no background in the social sciences. Environmental managers and policymakers attempting to learn about, and integrate thinking from, the social sciences should also not be without this important resource.

Contributors: B. Adhikari, J. Barnard, T.M. Brooks, N. Burgess, D. El-Demellawy, G.A.B. da Fonseca, S. Frantzi, F.R. Gell, J. Gerlach, M. Hoffmann, D. Kirby, J.F. Lamoreux, T. Lehmberg, J.C. Lovett, S. Mhagama, G.A. Mill, C.G. Mittermeier, R.A. Mittermeier, D.G. Ockwell, V. Pérez-Cirera, J.D. Pilgrim, C.H. Quinn, A.S.L. Rodrigues, Y. Rydin, J. Springer, D. Thomas, T.M. van Rensburg

Edited by Jon C. Lovett, University of Leeds, UK and David G. Ockwell, Lecturer in Geography and Fellow, Sussex Energy Group and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Sussex, UK
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